onsdag 16. februar 2011

New year - new semester

And now we are in the month of februari in the year 2011. It´s been a while since my last update. In the end of november last year my semester ended, after that I had some weeks free before I was going back to Norway for Xmas. In december I decided to travel a little bit, so i took the bus to the coffee area, whith it´s main cities Manizales, Pereira and Armenia. In this time the country was severely affected by what the locals call "winther", which means a lot of rain, which caused many landslides and fluddings in almost all parts of Colombia. I stayed some days in Manizales, where I took a daytrip to the the National Park "Los nevados " where a bus took me up to 4800m to a refugee located on the mountain "Nevado de Ruiz". Here are some pictures of this trip.

After Manizales I went to visit some friends in Cali, after Bogotá and Medellín the third biggest city of the country. I had´nt seen my friends since I got to know them in june in 2010 in Medellín, it was nice to see them again.

After Cali I went back to Medellín, spending some more days with my girlfriend and doing the xmas-shopping before I flew back to Norway to spend xmas with my family. But before I arrived Oslo I spent 7 hours in Amsterdam where I had a lovely visit at my cousin´s. In Norway there were -15 degrees and a lot of snow waiting for me, which could only be truly enjoyed with some skeeing with the boys up in the mountains.

I had a great weekend with friends at a cabin in Valdres, at around 800 meters above seal level. I also spent time with family and friends from the University of Oslo - where I normally study. Since the end of januari I have been back in Medellín for another semester. This spring I will focus on writing my bachelor assignment and hopefully graduate this year with a bachelor in Latin-American studies!!! At last a picture of my friends in the National University of Colombia, where my girlfriend is the second one from the right.