søndag 27. mars 2011

March update

Hey guys. I´m a lazy person, always postponing my plans for updating my blog. I´m very busy with my studies. As mentioned earlier I´m working on my bachelor assignment, which is about colombian history in the second part of the twentieth century. Besides that I´m continuing with salsa and swim classes. I´m still exploring the city by bike as you can see from the pictures here, which are taken at various locations throughout the city. There hasn´t been a lot of travelling besides visiting some smaller villages nearby Medellín, but I have some plans for june & july when I hopefully get visitors from Norway, my brother and sister. I have to mention that I´m starting to confuse english and spanish a bit, as these languages have many words in common, just with slightly differences in their spelling, for example: Contribution - contribución or Información - information, as you can see it´s easy to mix up these words. Well, enough grammar lessons for today. As today is sunday, I´ve had the pleasure of having my first bike ride with my lovely girlfriend - I finally tricked her into joining me to go to "ciclovía" which basically means that they close down several roads & highways for the runners, skaters and bikers to enjoy - I love this system. Here are some pictures of this day as well. I hope everyone is doing great and I would love to hear from all you about what has been going on in your lives. And for those of you who haven´t visited me yet - don´t hesitate - Colombia is an amazing country with an even more amazing people.

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